Date : Mon, 08 Aug 1994 11:50:15 +0000
From : lamcw <lamcw@...>
Subject: Re: Steve's emulators.
Chris Rae <clr1@...> wrote:
;> um, i've got BASIC working, and a scrolling mode 7 and sphinx adventure
;> runs nicely and interrupts work. i now have to go off and learn about the
;> mac toolbox routines to handle graphics...
;Eek! Well I'm a bit behind you. Does your Beeb run at a decent speed? I
;suppose it won't mean much to me because I don't know how fast Macs are...
on my LC475 ( a 68040 chip at 25MHz), i am getting real beeb speed. i didn't
think it was possible. just for the record, i'm using C, one huge SWITCH loop
and NO function calls. my 64K of memory is one huge pointer array of unsigned
integers (there is a good reason why it's not chars...). i found GOTOs very handy
(ugh i hear you cry).
;> is the mail still flowing? if everyone's still communicating, i may beg
;> humbly to be allowed back on (grovel, grovel )
;Oh, I dunno if I should put you back on... after all, you'll just want
;off again in a couple of days...
;OK, you're back on it! ;-) The traffic has gone down quite
;significantly (famous last words, eh?) so it's not quite such a
;commitment these days.
thanks! it feels good to join in the discussion again!!
chris lam,
aston univ,