Date : Mon, 10 Jun 1996 10:24:08 +0100
From : angus@...
Subject: OSGBPB question
Mark de Weger writes:
>The Advanced User Guide is not very clear about the value
>of the sequential pointer when using OSGBPB. (It juggles
>a bit with the "old", the "new" and the "parameter block"
>sequential pointer.)
>Could anybody tell me if I am correct in my following interpretation:
>- OSGBPB with A=1 uses the sequential pointer provided in the
> parameter block.
>- OSGBPB with A=2 does not use the sequential pointer in the parameter
> block. Instead it uses the sequential pointer associated with the
> file handle (which is specified as the first byte of the parameter
> block).
This is correct. (Sorry for the terse followup, but the question was so
precise that there's nothing more to say.)
Angus Duggan, Harlequin Ltd., Barrington Hall, | INET: angus@...
Barrington, Cambridge CB2 5RG, U.K. | FAX: +44(0)1223 873873