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Date   : Tue, 04 Mar 1997 10:16:01 +0100
From   : Mike_Tomlinson@...
Subject: HELP!!!!

  Philip Ward wrote:

  "I used DCONV to try and convert them to DFFS images for running using
  Tom Seddon's Model-B.
  They appeared to convert OK, and provided me with a file catalogue on
  Mounting and CATting them, but on trying to load and run any of the files
  all I get is "Bad Program", and if I try and *RUN them the emulator
  crashes out to DOS."

  Can you tell me which image you're converting that gives
  this problem and I can double-check it?

  All you should need to do is *MOUNT the DFFS file and then CHAIN "MENU".

  I had a problem with DCONV in that it produced a 40 byte DFFS file for
  some disk
  images.  According to Tom Seddon, it's a problem with DCONV failing to
  convert disk images with a particular character in the filenames
  (hyphens or fullstops, can't remember).  He's working on it.

  Check the size of the DFFS file, and if it's 40 bytes, that's the

  A temporary solution is to convert the image into archive format, then
  alter the
  filenames, modifying the .inf files as you go, then convert from archive
  to DFFS format.

  There are two versions of DCONV - DCONV.COM and DCONV.EXE.  I can't
  which is which, but one converts from image file to DFFS and the other
  from archive format to DFFS (I think! - I get confused by all these

  Apologies if the above is poorly formatted: Lotus Notes doesn't seem to
  produce very Usenet friendly copy.
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