Date : Fri, 12 Sep 1997 12:16:51 +0200
From : "Mark Usher" <marku@...>
Subject: Re: Printer cable
> Does anyone have a spare Beeb-Centronics cable knocking about
> they don't want. I can't find mine anyway, and it must be getting to me -
> I had a dream about last night!
There is a really simple solution. You can use a normal PC 25pin D to
Centronics cable. This means that you will need a little adapter, ie Beeb
interface to female 25pin D connector. This is not so hard to find as you
might imagine, it is infact the same connector used from the PC mainboard
to the case. So just find one of these little adapters, all PC shops should
have them, should cost about 50p and you can use a normal PC printer cable.
Mark Usher