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Date   : Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:43:15 +0100
From   : David Gorst <dgorst@...>
Subject: FW: Gary Partis

-----Original Message-----
From: David Gorst 
Sent: Monday, October 19, 1998 9:35 AM
To: 'Dejan Ristanovic'
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Gary Partis

I think "ILTDN" was also a cheat code for one of his games (can't
remember which - either Psycastria or Sphere of Destiny). I remember
seeing in a copy of Micro User that Gary Partis had given up games
programming to become some sort of "consultant".

BTW anybody ever complete SOD (and believe me it was a complete sod)? It
had an interesting ending ...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dejan Ristanovic [mailto:dejanr@...]
> Sent: Monday, October 19, 1998 2:12 AM
> To: bbc-micro@...
> Subject: [BBC-Micro] Gary Partis
> The discussion about old BBC games made me remember Gary Partis, 
> the author of Doctor Who, Psycastria, Sphere of Destiny...
> I also remember Tracey Dianne Nicholson, the Mega Being, 
> mentioned in hex
> dumps of his games... I wonder, where are Gary and Tracey today?
> Dejan
> P.S. For your amusement, some segments from the old games:
>                  DOCTOR WHO AND THE MINES OF TERROR (1985)
>  1341: All code in this game which did not originate from 
> Micro Power LTD is 
>  1387: dedicated to Tracey Dianne Nicholson... (C) Micro 
> Power LTD and writte
>  13CD: n by Gary Partis - ILTDN the Mega Being...
>                              PSYCASTRIA (1986)
>  1904: Audiogenic Software LTD 1986. Written by Gary Partis 
> and dedicated to 
>  194A: Tracey Dianne Nicholson, who is a real beauty - ILTDN 
> the Mega Being.
>  6EBB: What on Earth are you doing reading this? I bet you 
> think you are a sm
>  6F01: art arse for breaking the protection this far. But you 
> have achieved n
>  6F47: othing, as the protection was rather trivial to start 
> with... Just ***
>  6F8D: * off and do not come back... By the way, you make 
> make me puke, puke,
>  6FD3:  puke, vomit, spew, puke.... By the way, if I ever 
> find out who put a 
>  7019: brick through the window of my 3 day old Talbot 
> Sunbeam 1.3LS and stol
>  705F: e my car stereo, I shell personally rip them apart and 
> I am not joking
>                          SPHERE OF DESTINY (1987)
>  6030: Well, this game must be my first ever game (over 4 
> years) which is not
>  6076:  dedicated to Tracey Dianne Nicholson. For those who 
> don't know, Trace
>  60BC: y and I have broken off our engagement - or rather, 
> she broke off the 
>  6102: engagement. Instead, this game is dedicated to the 
> good times of the p
>  6148: ast when everything was 'hunkydory' and nothing could 
> go wrong... Mayb
>  618E: e  one day we'll get back together - but I will always 
> live in hope...
>  61D4:  7th November 1986. Or die in vain... 1st December 
> 1986. Or live a lif
>  621A: e of constant torment... 7th December 1986. I will get 
> her back some h
>  6260: ow... 29th December 1986. Or start afresh in 1987... 
> 6th January 1987.
>  62A6:  All the same, I want her, need her, love her beyond 
> all comprehension
>  62EC: ... 19th January 1987. Why doesn't she just walk back 
> through the door
>  6332:  back into my life??? 1st Febuary 1987. 
> Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!! 10th Feb
>  6378: uary 1987...
>                               SYNCRON (1987)
>  1AC3: ILTDN The Not So Mega Being... Dedicated to the memory 
> of Tracey Diann
>  1B09: e Nicholson...one day we may get ba... 
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