Date : Wed, 01 Dec 1999 14:22:01 +0000
From : James Gibbon <jg@...>
Subject: Re: Basic compiler
Faraz Choudhry wrote:
> > Ah, bollocks. I just re-read the original mail and
> realised I'd read "file"
> > instead of "memory". No, there are no direct
> operators in early BASICs for
> > read/write of real variables to memory. Sorry.
> OK, direction and indirection operators, they're the ?
> and ! pokers right? As far as I know BASIC II has
> them functions. I've had no problem using them on my
> Model B. Please explain "direct operators".....
It's been a loooooong time since I played with BBC BASIC but
if I remember correctly, ?n= would write a byte, !n= would
write 2 bytes (a signed integer?) where n is the address. So
if I'm right there's no provision to write reals directly to
memory, at least in the versions I was familiar with.