Date : Thu, 15 Nov 2001 02:14:45 +0000
From : "Brian Jones" <ninsei0@...>
Subject: Announce: BBC Connect 1.7 is released
BBC Connect 1.7 is released
The BBC Connect project is a freeware BBC and Electron emulator front-end
for Windows available at <a
BBC Connect supports:
* BeebEm and PcBBC - the BBC Micro emulators
* ElectrEm - the Electron emulator
Changes in version 1.7
File system:
In addition to the .SSD and .UEF file formats
* .BBC file format is processed for pcBBC.
* .DSD file format is processed for BBC emulators.
* .IMG file format is processed for BBC emulators, option to save updates on
non-zipped (see below) disk image exit.
* .ZIP file decompression is implemented for .BBC, .DSD, .IMG and .SSD
* Option to create 200Kb .IMG files for read & write.
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