Date : Sun, 03 Mar 2002 17:34:58 +0000
From : Chris <write@...>
Subject: Xfer
I've decided to transfer my disks from the old BBC B to the PC (for use
with BeebEm) and am having a few problems.
I'm 99.9% certain the cable is correct - I can issue commands with xfer4,
and do a (R) - Receive Files. The problem is I can't do a (G) - Get disc
image. It says 'receiving track 0' then that a BBC Error 3 has occoured,
and the BBC goes back to 'waiting for command'
It's a bit of a pain as BeebEm can't read the .inf etc. files - and
dragging them into BBCExplorer doesn't create the files (just blank files
called $.)
Any help appreciated