Date : Mon, 17 Jun 2002 12:10:50 +0200
From : Rud_von_M=F6llendorf <softselect@...>
Subject: Help
Hi everyone,
My name is Friedrich and I live in South Africa, I was recently approched to
repair a measuring system that uses a BBC B+ Since I havn't used a beeb for
about 15 years it took me a while to get back up to speed.
I have unfortunatly sold all my BBC stuff and all the software that goes
along with it. (Damn if I knew the BBC was still supported is such a big way
I would have kept it, I love the things)
My problem is now to try and understand what the original authur tried to
do, so I need a program (that I had) do a listing of the program on a
printer, formating the listing so's the proc's, defproc's and goto's are in
This program I typed in from a mag and modified.
can you help please
Friedrich von Mollendorf