Date : Sun, 03 Nov 2002 23:00:08 -0000
From : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Transfer of BBC tapes to euf
Sorry, I think I sent my reply to an individual rather than the list.
I have got the MakeEUF program running in Dos (the windows version just
flicks on and off) and get to the point of making the file (hooray) but it
doesn't "load" (the sound comes out of the PC speakers ok). I have tried the
usual methods of adjusting the volume as with the Electron but it still
won't record. I have an Intel "built in" chip in my PC for sound - could
that be the problem - I have no idea (or how to find out) if it can handle
the right number of bits.
I use the Acorn Electron and never got the plus3 for it so, no disc drive,
hence all my stuff is on tape.
Any suggestions please?
Colin Hill