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Date   : Mon, 04 Nov 2002 14:53:48 -0000 
From   : owner-bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: Which format do you want BBC manuals in? RTF/HTML

Hi All,

If I may put my penny's worth into this debate:

HTML is nice because you can just browse without having to fiddle about
waiting for your PDF viewer to load and download the PDF file etc. You can
always cut and paste off the web page. That said, in my experience printing
PDF documents is more reliable than web pages. I would suggest whatever
format you display it in, all platforms can cope. If it's a PDF then provide
a link to a free download of a PDF viewer. I vaguely remember seeing a PDF
viewer for RISC OS, where is it, anyone? Is there a RISC OS version of
Latex, Paul?

Personally I love the carefully crafted plain text versions, users can then
spruce them up with whatever DTP package they use, but that's just me being
old fashioned....


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