Date : Thu, 31 Jul 2003 01:00:50 +0100
From : tom@...
Subject: BBC double density disc images
I'm aware of the following disc formats, sides by tracks by sectors
per track:
.SSD 1x80x10
.DSD 2x80x10
.ADL 1x80x16 ADFS format
.ADM 2x80x16 ADFS format
(It seems ADL/ADM must be ADFS format, because BeebEm checks certain
bytes in the disc image.)
Does anyone have any suggestions (or existing standards) for
extensions for 16-sector double density non-ADFS (like Watford DDFS,
I believe), or 18-sector like Challenger/DDOS?
Alternatively, if there's no such thing as truncated double-density
images I'll just use .SDD/.DDD and work out 16/18 sector based on the
file size.
My gut inclination is indeed to disallow truncated DD images, because
AnaDisk doesn't produce them and it's easy enough to read DD discs on
a PC. So, SDD would always be 320K/360K and DDD would always be