Date : Thu, 20 May 2004 11:28:08 +0100
From : Phil McIntyre <philmac@...>
Subject: Re: BBC pages
At 11:07 20/05/2004, gARetH baBB wrote:
>On Thu, 20 May 2004, Mark Usher wrote:
> > Not at all. No one should be removed for something that pertains to outside
> > of this list. Would you advocate that someone be removed from the list
>Considering the comments Mr Thornley is presumably upset by were made on
>this list, then the list *is* involved.
> > Now STOP all this bickering. KEEP it OFF the list and lets hear NO
> MORE. 99%
> > of us are FED UP with it.
>At which point did you perform this vote ?
For pity's sake JUST LET IT DROP!
I'm sure Mr Thornley and Mr Scholten are perfectly able to settle their
differences without our assistance if they so wish.
If not, then it is nothing whatever to do with us (listmemembers).
Let's just get back to computers and stuff.
"If you are falling off a cliff, you may as well try to fly. You've got
nothing to lose!"
Phil McIntyre (philmac@...)
Computer Support
School of Biological Sciences
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