Date : Tue, 07 Sep 2004 11:35:26 +0100
From : Darren Grant <darren.grant@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master AIV SCSI
Interesting idea but I can't see that it would be a case of capability as
the SCSI card itself only uses a 1MHZ clock from what is essentially a cut
down 1Mhz bus connector internally in the master.
I was hoping that I could make do without it as it would reduce the size and
cost of the PCB. I guess someone could test it by not connecting the
oscillator. Anyone got a setup and feels like having a go ?
On 7/9/04 11:27 am, "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...> wrote:
> Darren, is there any chance that the on-board oscillator doesn't have the
> drive capability to drive the components of the SCSI card?
> Or maybe there was some problem with keeping it in sync with the master?
> --
> Regards, Bob Devries. Dalby, Queensland, Australia.
> Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to.