Date : Sat, 05 Mar 2005 19:40:04 +0000 (GMT)
From : "A.Weston" <a.weston2@...>
Subject: Assembler bug
Here's an interesting bug I read in an old magazine:
If you define a zero page variable within assembler an listing then the
assembler will assume this is a two-byte variable on the first pass and
as a result any subsequent branch instructions will point to the wrong
What does it refer to? How do you define a variable in an assembler
routine? I had a bug recently but I assumed it was the 6502 bug in that
when I moved the positions of assembled code about (which are called
from BASIC with various zero-page =98 &70-&8F IIRC =98 bytes set) they
didn't always work.
Staffordshire, UK of GB&NI.