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Date   : Tue, 10 May 2005 11:07:06 +0100
From   : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: Re: Beeb versus Master?

Mike Tomlinson wrote:

>>P.S. Has anyone else been receiving spam via this list? Given that posts 
>>are supposed to require your sending email address matches that which 
>>you subscribed with, I find it interesting that spam is making it through...
>Yes, I have.  I have been deleting it on sight, but when the next one
>comes through, will examine the headers.  I don't think it's coming via
>the mailing list, as my email client automatically sorts mail from the
>list into a pseudo-newsgroup, whereas the spam is ending up in my inbox.
Ah! Now thats interesting, because my mail system sorts the mail on the 
server (no, I'm not deviant enough to run Exchange), and dumps 
everything with [BBC-Micro] in the subject line into the BBC Micro 
folder. That means the incoming email needs to have [BBC-Micro] in its 
subject line before it reaches me.

Thats what made me think the list was being used as a spam-the-masses tool.

-- Richard
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