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Date   : Tue, 10 May 2005 23:31:18 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Beeb versus Master?

In article
   <Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...> wrote:

> Richard Gellman wrote:

> > Christopher Dewhurst CCARE Panel Clerk wrote:
> >
> > > And access to OS1.2 or Basic I/II ROM routines and tables.
> > > For example, the 640x table for sprite plotting in Modes 1
> > > and 2 (only in the BBC B's OS1.2), and the 'warm start'
> > > routine in the Basic Rom.

You could just put BASIC II in the Master, and *UNPLUG your BASIC IV.

> > Sprite plotting? *impressed* Of which, did anyone else ever
> > make use of the SPRITER ROM image on the Master Welcome
> > disk?
> The 640x table in OS1.20 was just a quick way of looking up 640*x where x
> was a screen row number between 0 and 31. 


> There was no actual sprite plotting code in any of the OS versions.

Yes there is - MOS 3.00 onwards contains sprite plotting code (move and copy
block) as well as all the other handy extra VDU code like circle plotting
and flood fills. Yum.

Back to the original question though both machines have selling points
 - has motherboard speech sockets of course (whereas the Master needed a 
   custom cartridge)
 - keyboard doesn't break every few months like the crappy Master ones
 - a 1770 disc controller
 - a numeric keypad
 - stacks more RAM (so page is at &E00)
 - space for internal co processor
 - CMOS/real time clock for configuration settings

and I'm sure the subjective list could go on....
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