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Date   : Thu, 19 May 2005 22:38:01 +0100
From   : "John & Helen Simpson" <john@...>
Subject: Writing adfs disc images onto disc

Hello there,

I recently discovered that my Master's Welcome disk was corrupt and so I
have been trying to recreate it using an image from TBL. At first I
tried using OmniFlop to write it to disk on my PC, but presumably due to
hardware problems this didn't work.

I then tried to use my Risc OS machine to write the data directly to a
preformatted ADFS disc. This is quite easy to do using a couple of SWI
calls in a technique I found on a Risc OS website. The method just sucks
all the data into a buffer and then writes it out to the disc. It works
- although the catalogue is OK, the files on the disc are corrupt and
the directories won't open, they just report "broken directory". 

Does anyone know what could be wrong? The image works fine on BeebEm so
I know it is not faulty.

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