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Date   : Sat, 21 May 2005 13:36:26 +0100
From   : Sprow <info@...>
Subject: Re: Electron schematic anyone?

In article <5F5EB44CC30A46A8929546E7C6BBE313.MAI@...>,
   BeebMaster <beebmaster@...> wrote:
> Using trusty old PKZIPFIX I have managed to extract part of the RTF file 
> from the zip file at "the BBC Lives" but this is only the first 192 pages 
> (up to about chapter 13) so it may not contain what
> you need.  If it's any use, I can get it to you.

The schematic's right at the back unfortunately, but Mark Usher has emailed
a backup copy direct (thanks Mark!).

> The BBC Docs link mentions it was scanned by Chris Richardson - have you 
> tried him?  8BS is back up
> and running now.  I couldn't see it there but he may still have the scans 
> he could send to you.

I had a grub around in the "othrdnld/docs/" section of 8BS but couldn't find
the Electron Advanced User Guide.

What's really required is a huge slice of disc space that BBC docs could use
to host all of the combined documents held in these 3 seperate spaces. This
could then allow easy viewing of the various duplicates (some have good
OCR'd text but poor diagrams, others vice versa) as well as keep tabs on
which documents are missing or need volunteers to work on.

A more concise way of organising would be useful too, so various views (by
author, date, ISBN, title, issue etc) could be automatically generated.

A lot of work, but the others could then just mirror it, avoiding
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