Date : Thu, 30 Jun 2005 15:05:25 +0100
From : Richard Gellman <splodge@...>
Subject: enough of the lunancy
Ok people this has got to stop.
BBC Micro Mailing List <> place to have arguments.
IF WantsArgument() THEN GOSUB OffList !!
And just to prove how much of an irritating, over-restating, pedantic
arsehole I can be, for every email that I see that perpetuates the whole
John Kortink/Raf/Jenny/Whoever thing, I'm going to send another copy of
this email to the list.
And just to be irritating, it'll be a fresh copy, not a reply or
forward, so threaded mail readers will see it as a new thread.
So, in short, drop it, or you're all gonna suffer from your own irritation!
-- Richard (annoyed in general, annoyed at peoples disregard for "drop
it!" requests, and generally fed up with the world's idiots!)