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Date   : Wed, 13 Jul 2005 00:39:27 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: NFS Versions

Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...> wrote:
> Ah yes, now you mention it: in 3.34 this was using byte access with
> OSBGET/OSBPUT in a loop, thus the overhead in establishing the connection
I don't remember NFS 3.34 doing that. I know DFS 0.90 implemented
OSGBPB that way. NFS 3.34 had problems with network printing where
VDU 0 was never sent - rendering it impossible to do any graphics
NFS 3.34 listed catalogues in a single column, NFS 3.40 onwards
used up to four columns.
NFS 3.34 didn't allow hidden passwords. Later versions let you use
':' as a password, and you were then prompted, viz:
  *I AM JGH :
  <type invisible characters>
Some versions after 3.34 and before 3.60 didn't let you press
<DELETE>. 3.60 did let you press <DELETE>.
NFS 2.40 and later returned the data from a broadcast in the data
block. Earlier versions returned it in the control block,
overwriting the start, end and extra addresses.
NFS 3.65 was supplied as standard with the Reuters terminal. I
haven't delved into it in sufficient details to work out the
differences, but it was supplied in a twin 32K ROM containing the
MOS in the other half! The Reuters Board has a second 32K ROM
containing the Reuters Terminal and terminal support code.
> As both NFS and DFS use a bit les than 8K, the combination in a single chip
> gives more economic free space, which was used for improving the utilities
> I think. So even if you don't need DFS, the DNFS can still improve on that.
> IIRC '*Help utils' could give you some clues about this.
It also had enough room to fit the Tube support code as well.
DNFS3.00 is really four independant programs: Tube Support, File
Utils, NetFS+Econet Drivers, DiskFS.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
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