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Date   : Wed, 13 Jul 2005 11:01:59 +0100
From   : Littlefield Aaron <CALITTLEFIEL@...>
Subject: Time and Magik by Mandarin Software

Hello everyone,

Over the course of the weekend I was at my parent's house, and whilst
looking through my wardrobe stumbled across a few old BBC items that I'd
previously forgotten about.

Inside was an old A&B Computing magazine from way back (circa '88). Inside
an article discussed the up and coming release of Mandarin Software's 'Time
and Magik'. Apparently on the BBC Master it was supposed to be superb, does
anybody know if a version was released for the Model B or for that matter if
it was released at all?

I understand it was a port of an Amiga/ST game.

Anybody ever heard of it or played it? It's an adventure game.


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