Date : Sat, 21 Jan 2006 01:18:45 +0000
From : "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...>
Subject: Re: eBay What is this?
It's arrived and it is a Xebec S1410 controller with NEC D3126 Winchester
disc drive. See here for information on the controller:
It all appears to be in good working order but I haven't been able to
read anything off the drive. With an Adaptec ACB4000 controller, I
get the usual "Disc error 1C at 0:/000002" which suggests it isn't
formatted. With the Xebec board, I get "Broken directory" and the
"Compaction recommended" message with every command but I
can't mount the disc successfully or read anything off it.
Can anyone suggest another way of reading the disc or is it safe to
assume that there is no data on it?
It seems that Winchester drives cannot be used interchangeably with
different controller boards. A Seagate ST225 formatted on the Adaptec
board works properly but with the Xebec board just gives a disc error
and refuses the mount the disc. Superform doesn't work with the
Xebec board, giving "Error 20 in ModeSel". Is there a formatter for
use with the Xebec board?
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Hancock
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Wed, 11 Jan 2006 22:36:09 -0000
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] eBay What is this?
I've obtained some more detailed digital photographs of the items in this
auction from the seller.
I'm not the seller; I'm just hosting these out of interest.
Browse away here:-
Bottom of Hard Drive
Rear of Hard Drive
Xebec Controller
Acorn ADF-10 Cardboard Box
Top of Hard Drive
PS Hosted with the owners/sellers consent.
-----Original Message-----
From: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] On Behalf Of
Andrew Hancock
Sent: 10 January 2006 23:10
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: [BBC-Micro] eBay What is this?
Anyone got any clues as to what this item is?
Just curious, wasn't going to bid on it. Honest!
Looks late on because of the Master logo on the box?
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