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Date   : Tue, 14 Feb 2006 17:05:23 -0000
From   : "Mike" <profpep@...>
Subject: Re: B+ 64k won't respond to keyboard, Econet fitted

I think I've got the later upgraded copies, though they had my originals
back at the time (I had a Z80 from new). I'll try and find them. It might be
a couple of weeks, because I'll have to get out the 2nd proc to run them up,
(and remember how to PIP under CP/M).

Send me an address  - I think it'll be easier to mail them

Tne main PANOS manual is already on BBCdocs, but I've started on the
languages, though it's not asy wth the OCR software that came with my


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 2:39 PM
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Re: B+ 64k won't respond to keyboard, Econet fitted

> > > Has anybody got a 32016 circuit diagram?
> >
> > OK, I have got the one for the 4MB board, although it's not the best
> > quality
> > (it's a photocopy of the original ACW service manual). I don't have the
> > one
> > for the 1MB 'cheese wedge' board though, although I know someone in
> > who's drawn it out and they're sending it up this way at some point.
> >
> > The spare socket on the board is actually shown as an MMU in the
> > schematics!
> > Although it could potentially be used for other stuff - it has the top 8
> > address lines, full 16 bit data lines, and various CPU control lines to
> > it.
> That would make sense since the 32016/32032 series were meant to be
> together. I am pretty sure some people had a shot at multiprocessing with
> them, god that must have been a laugh...
> I wouldn't mind a copy of the schematic for the cheese wedge, just for the
> interest's sake.
> Does anyone out there have copies of the Acorn Z80 2nd Processor discs ? I
> seem to have mislaid them. If someone would be so kind as to e-mail them
> me, put them into a BitTorrent or load them up to some free web space it
> would be most appreciated.
> Has anyone OCR'd the Cambridge Co-Processor Manuals ? I might have a go,
> OCRing Micro Users at the moment to allow searching on the content.
> Dave ;)
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