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Date   : Thu, 16 Feb 2006 10:26:28 +0000
From   : "Austin Pass" <austinpass.bbc@...>
Subject: Re: [OT ish] Software for 3COM CS/2600 Terminal Server

On 16/2/06 05:10, "Mike Tomlinson" <mike@...> wrote:

> I had a Google hunt for you but no luck finding the software.
> Terminal servers were very often used in UNIX and VAX/VMS environments,
> so you could try a post to some of the unix groups on usenet.  You may
> get lucky and find an admin who still has a copy of the software in
> /tftpboot on an old machine.

Thanks for looking, Mike - it's a desert out there regarding boot software
for proprietary 13 year old Terminal Servers, isn't it?  Who'd have thought
it? ;-)

As regards the minicomputer boffins.... Another excellent line of enquiry.
I'll track some down and sign up. I'd better thing of something clever about
UNICOS and NOS/VE to put in my signature! ;-)

Thanks to everyone for their input!

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