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Date   : Fri, 17 Feb 2006 21:07:55 +0000
From   : Thomas Horsten <thomas.horsten@...>
Subject: Re: BBC Master real-time clock

Hi Sprow,

On 17/02/06, Sprow <info@...> wrote:

>> "*TIME"
>> gives "Fri,17 =A5=D5(c)=AA 2017.18:66:11". (=A5=D5(c)=AA being ASCII cod
es 232 and 224).
> See
>   http://www.sprow.co.uk/bbc/doctor.htm
> for a description of what causes this.

Thanks. It was the battery pack that was dead (I didn't think it was,
because *CONFIG didn't forget it's values, but I guess the battery was
just "near-dead", even though one of them had leaked goo slightly). I
replaced the batteries by soldering them together like Andrew
suggested, using the diode/resistor from the old battery pack, and it
works perfectly now.

> > I have installed Andrew Benham's Y2K patch but the problem was also
> > there before I did so (it'd just show 1917 instead).
> Gah, you want Doomsday instead,

I don't think so :) Being able to flash my own Master ROM appeals to
me somehow, and also with my GoMMC I only have one ROM slot free, if I
put something in that I'd have no sideways RAM left.. So I guess this
is the best for me, for those without an EEPROM programmer and/or the
desire to solder sockets together I guess Doomsday is better.

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