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Date   : Sun, 19 Feb 2006 22:29:08 GMT
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: Terminal Emulator/Arcade Problems

In message <n+5aLZb4a+9DFw43@...>
          Mike Tomlinson <mike@...> wrote:

> In article <c8f94ffb4d.Wookie@...>, Wookie <wooky@...>
> writes
> >I've been having some fun with my Master connected to my linux server
> >via serial ports, so I can use it a bit more than just playing games,
> >however I have hit a couple of problems. I've been using the built in
> >Terminal on the beeb end, is there a better terminal emulator ?
> There's quite a few vt52/vt100 terminal emulator ROMs on The BBC Lives!.
> Try a few, export TERM=vt100 at the Linux end and you're away.
> Where did you find the LPDFS rom?  I'd love a copy if you could send it
> my way.  Thanks.

When I was at Preston Poly, they had bbc b's in the library running as
dumb terminals connected to the library databaseon the PRIME mainframe,
of course one of the first things I did was drop it into BASIC and save
a copy of the ROM to my portable tape recorder :-) I also used to write
software at home and upload it via them beeb's to my account on the
PRIME mainframe.

I've emailed a copy of LPDFS to Mike, anyone else want a copy ?

Cheers Wookie.

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