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Date   : Mon, 27 Feb 2006 18:59:54 +0000 (GMT)
From   : BBC Micro <b_b_c_m_i_c_r_o@...>
Subject: SHELIA and the VIA's 

Hi again, I've been looking at the AUG and getting
confused...Page 397 tells us that the VIA's are
&FE40-&FE7F. The next chapter tells us that VIA-B is

I'm having trouble tying up the memory locations with
the registers/ports on the VIA can anyone give a list
from &FE40-&FE7F? I only found the Electron one on the
internet search.

I've dissasembled Castle Quest (with 6502dis) and
looking at the VIA calls. &FE79? Joystick/Timer?

This was the one of the pieces of code:-

$2cfc: a5 32            LDA $32
$2cfe: 38               SEC
$2cff: ed 79 fe         SBC $fe79
$2d02: c9 3b            CMP #$3b
$2d04: 30 01            BMI .M5s2
$2d06: 60               RTS

.M5s2: 4a               Yada, yada...

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