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Date   : Sun, 05 Mar 2006 13:10:03 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

David Hunt wrote:
>> Oh, and for some very serious Geek Pr0n, try
>> http://ed-thelen.org/comp-hist/CRAY-1-HardRefMan/CRAY-1-HRM.html
>> or
>> http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/cray/
> One of the snippets from the Cray 1 manual reads;
> "Two 20-ton compressors are located external to the computer room to
> complete the cooling system."

ISTR that there's a separate DG mini for controlling everything too... (there 
certainly is for the 1a, just not sure about the 1)

> I went to see one as a kid at the Met Office, always wanted one ever 
 > since.

I think that's the one that's now at Wroughton, so watch this space...

I have no idea where we'd source a compressor from, but doubtless it could be 
done - Wroughton have everything else for the machine, though.

Problem with a lot of these supercomputers is that maintaining them in running 
condition can be a bit pointless - they tend to be geared around highly 
specialised work, and often stuff that can't be easily related to the general 
public.  So they look impressive and the specs sound impressive, but making 
them *do* something tends to be a bit anti-climatic.

The number of people who've actually used the machine and so can appreciate it 
when in running condition is rather small!


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