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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 11:22:29 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> Message-ID: <4409DD6F.50602@...>
> Fragula <fragula@...> wrote:
>>>> Regarding the [32016] system discs, is there any chance you'd
>>>> be able to dump them (as I only have two of them)? If you
> At http://mdfs.net/Mirror/Archives/Acorn/PanOS I've put my PanOS
> disks. My PanOS Disk 1 has an unreadable track 41 on side 1, so
> two files are broken.

Hmm, was there a difference in the PanOS releases for the 4MB ACW copro with 
B+ and the 256KB/1MB copro for the BBC B?

> I've got three sets of disks:
> Pre-Release Issue C - The "Gold Disks"
> Release 10 - The "Grey Disks"
> Release 12, disk 3, 4, 5 - The "White Disks"

Releases 10 and 13 here according to the shipping boxes - I don't think I can 
tell if the contents match the cardboard without looking at disk contents.

I've also got a set of disks sans-manuals which I acquired back when I was 
putting my original ACW together; can't for the life of me remember what 
release those are.

So I can definitely rustle up a release 10 disk 1 if needs be (luckily that 
one's not still in the shrink-wrap!) - although Pete Turnbull did a copy of 
disk 6 for me way back when (before I had these proper boxed sets), so it may 
be he already has them imaged and online somewhere.

I've also got various ex-Acorn-employee floppies marked as PanOS source code 
(OS, compilers etc.) plus design docs - I keep on getting sidetracked (dammit) 
so haven't been able to investigate those yet! A few random samples from that 
pile suggests that the disks are still good though, so fingers crossed they're 
all still readable and do what they say on the tin...


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