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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:19:04 +0000
From   : "Paul J" <peterbilt@...>
Subject: 3.5 / 5.25 floppy disk reliability


Have been running my beeb with a 3.5 pc drive for a few months now, and
running out of old 3.5 double density disks.  Have heard that you can use
modern high density disks by covering a hole, but may have problems with
long term reliability because the magnetic layer is different to double
density disks. Would be interested to hear about your experience if you hav
been using high densitiy disks as double density.

I started off using 5.25 disks, but had to clean the heads every week or so
with the brown gunk from the disks. Is this a common problem or do I just
have a poor batch of disks ?

Which disks should be more reliable, have heard that technically 5.25 disks
should be, but just wondering if in practice that 3.5 disks are a better
option ?


<div>Have been running my beeb with a 3.5 pc drive for a few months now, an
d running out of old 3.5 double density disks.&nbsp; Have heard that you ca
n use modern high density disks by covering a hole, but may have problems w
ith long term reliability&nbsp;because the magnetic layer is different to d
ouble density disks. Would be interested to hear about your experience if y
ou have been using high densitiy disks as double density.
<div>I started off using 5.25 disks, but had to clean the heads every week
or so with the brown gunk from the disks. Is this a common problem or do I
just have a poor batch of disks ?</div>
<div>Which disks should be more reliable, have heard that technically 5.25
disks should be, but just wondering if in practice that 3.5 disks are a bet
ter option ?</div>

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