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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 17:25:18 GMT
From   : Wookie <wooky@...>
Subject: Re: Terminal Emulator/Arcade Problems

In message <060306015510@...>
          jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston) wrote:

> > Message-ID: <f7f86a014e.Wookie@...>
> Wookie <wooky@...> wrote:
> > Any help/advice VERY gratefully recieved :-)
> The ROM image I received was only 9K long. The terminal emulator
> worked, but *LPDFS just hung. I assumed this was becasue there was
> no server, but looking through the ROM the *LPDFS command jumps to
> about &B180 - past the end of the image I have.

I've sent jgh the rom image again, this time in an archive so hopefully
it will arrive intact. The rom image is 14545 bytes long with 1839 &ff
bytes at the end of the image as padding making a 16k rom image. If
anyone else has got a duff image, I'll send them a archived copy aswell.

> From looking through it so far I conclude that the author was a really
> crap programmer who completely didn't known what he was

I never said it was a good piece of software only people might like a
copy and/or find it usefull.

I think you meant to say "knew" rather than "known"

> The author also doen't understand English.

And you're not very good at typing it ;-) Whenever anyone comments on
spelling/grammer mistakes they normally make some of their own, I know
I normally do.

Cheers Wookie.

A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation
Q: Why is top posting dumb?
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