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Date   : Mon, 06 Mar 2006 18:22:31 +0000
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Exile (Re: Zalaga)

At 17:59 06/03/2006, Fragula wrote:

>As regards Acronyms. I myself tend to backwork them when naming servers.
>When I had to "build" a busy looking machine to hijack real estate in a
>certain busy shared and contende machine room, I started with a old 386
>board in a big tower case stuffed with loads of faulty cdroms and
>impressive looking dead stuff, with a 19" monitor that was continuously
>cp ing the Linux kernel sources, its logs, whatever, in a loop too fast
>for anyone to read.
>On the front was a nice printed label "BANDIT" and its IP address, MAC
>address etc. and in red "DANGER - CRITICAL SYTEM, DO NOT INTERRUPT OR
>"Box Assigned as Networks Deadspace Invasion Token" :-)

That reminds me (totally OT..) of a time I had to replace a 
"mainframe" server at a customers.   It turned out to be a waist high 
rack, I think even wider than 19", sole contents a being 4U-ish 
drawer at the top containing a  486 of some mediocre speed (serving 
~50 interactive users on dumb terminals {not running windows, or DOS, 
obviously!} via serial ports).  We replaced it with a then state of 
the art P-III I think, in a tower case, with a separate unit 
containing the serial ports, and were constantly asked why it was so small...
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