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Date   : Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:37:13 -0000
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: Elite docking

> > You only have to manually dock your ship at a space station
> > once, after that, if the tech level of the planet is high
> > enough you can buy an docking computer which does all the
> > hard work for you.
> And how "on earth" do you expect to buy a docking station with only 100
> credits to start. I am sure you cannot get to the price of a docking
> computer after the first docking by trading? Or do you fly around,
> building
> up your credits by shooting pirates with a pulse laser! Lol... Only to get
> zapped just before being ready to land...
> Time for a quick blast methinks...

I think you need 1,000 credits. It'll take you around 40 manual docks with
trading and blasting the odd fugitive to get enough cash. Fuel scoops next
on the shopping list, the large cargo bay, then beam lasers, energy unit,
military lasers etc. escape pod, galactic hyperspace and energy bomb are for
those who have the cash to burn.

Although you could always cheat...

I must admit, all the times I played Elite the docking was the most
pointless and annoying loss of an hours work (i.e. blasting your way from
the fringes of a system to the space station only to find yourself impacting
on the surface of the station!) - therefore the first 1,000 credits were
wisely spent on making the best use of the remainder of my time...

IMHO it's the best game on the Beeb and one reason I kept a 6502 cheese
wedge for over 20 years!

Dave ;)
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