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Date   : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 13:17:58 +0000 (GMT)
From   : Steve Fewell <kranser@...>
Subject: Re: How do I use Advanced BASIC from Sideways RAM?

--- Jon Ripley <jon@...> wrote:
> Paraphrased from the manual:
> Advanced BASIC requires; BBC B OS 1.20, BBC B+ OS
> 2.00 or a Master, and
> a 6502 2nd processor or a 65C102 co-processor.
> *must* also be present. Both ABASIC and HIBASIC will
> run from sideways
> RAM. Advanced BASIC is token compatible with BASIC V
> and provides 16+256
> SYS calls compatible with RISC OS.
> Type *ABASIC to start.

Thanks alot for your help and for digging up the
manual for me.
That's what I was missing - a co-processor!

Anyway, I've got it up and running on the latest
beebem (WIN 311) now. But only on BBC B model - as the
2nd processor option don't seem to work on the Master
model - maybe because the 2nd processor is only 64K?
But it works atleast!

Thanks again for your help.


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