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Date   : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 15:46:46 -0000
From   : "Mike" <profpep@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

> Just had yet another refusal after an interview for a job - depressing :(
> they http://www.finkcreative.com/ said I was too qualified (more like too
> old and battered) - does that matter? Oh well, onwards and upwards.

Don't worry, I guess a few days in that type of environment would probably
have turned you into 'Son of BOFH'.

> > Hmmm, and I think that was the first BASIC listing I've typed in for
> > several
> > years - ahh, the memories!
If you can write like that after a long break, you're going to be hell on
wheels once you get warmed up.

A minor patch.to go a bit quicker:

110         A=ZR*ZR:B=ZI*ZI:L=A+B:ZI=2*ZR*ZI+CI:ZR=A-B+CR:I%=I%+1
                      ^^^^^     ^^^^^    ^^^^
120       UNTIL L>4 OR I%>15

You were right, BTW, my rig did a block assign, ( in increasing res, as
yours does). Give a BBC a block and collect it when done. The network, (I
use the term loosely), was by a parallel post interface that polled for
mesages from the target machines. I had to be (a) Very cheap, and (b) bot
need any internal mods, (I used repair machine, ostensibly having a soak
test before return). Started in BBC Basic, tried in Acorn Pascal - great on
1 machine, couldn't write the port stuff in a way that ran easily. Finished
up in BCPL, using both the floating point package, and the stand alone
generator. I almost felt like real programmer at that point. I don't know if
anyone else found this, but I found  BCPL the fastest language, (apart from
assembler) on the BBC, it was great on space too. I've still got Martin
Richards little book, and I learnt more about programming from the first
section than just about any other book I read.book .

Thought: has anyone got a BCPL ROM patched to understand the existence of
ADFS? I have a replacement FSTYPE routine, that I can load in when starting
BCPL, but I heard that someone at Cambridge had patched the ROM.

I don't know how you're doing on your 32016, (the power supply in my home
cased one had just barfed), so I'm running on the turbo. I think there
wasn't much in it time wise, especially using BAS32F.

Thanks for the program, I'm going to have to dig out the rest of my notes
and rebuild the rig!

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