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Date   : Wed, 08 Mar 2006 19:36:00 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

Fragula wrote:
> Hi Dave!
> David Hunt wrote:
>  > I think that's a great idea, get the mainframes/minis talking to the
> Beebs
>> over serial sending VDU commands. Then all you need to do is get the Beebs
>> into serial input mode and you're away.
> I've changed my mind now.. Think Econet and the pixel queue is a better
> way to go, unless there is no Econet available. Ok.. the programming is
> harder, but the whole thing would run faster as the processors dealing
> with the easy bits would otherways be speding most of their time doing
> nothing.

Remember that part of Econet lets you POKE data direct into memory on a remote 
machine, so in theory doesn't the beeb(s) just become dumb displays and the 
number crunching machines write direct to their display memory over Econet?

>>  You could have banks of Beebs driven by different mainframe/mini computers.
> Or a whole bunch of them driven via econet from one really fast machine.
> A Cray, An 11/750.. <shudder> A Sequent Balance.

Heh heh. Wait until we get the ICL mainframe up... :-)

> BTW, though I totally approve of posting short source codes (and BASIC
> programs) in-list, is this O.K. with the masses, or should I put on web
> server and post a link?

No probs from me - this list is normally very low traffic by the standards of 
most mailing lists - can't see how a few extra bytes of listing can hurt! Plus 
it saves a click, needing a web browser handy etc.


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