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Date   : Thu, 09 Mar 2006 00:24:12 +0000
From   : Darren Grant <darren.grant@...>
Subject: Re: Warning: Sad case on list!

On 8/3/06 22:47, "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:

> Fragula wrote:
>> David Hunt wrote:
>>> Hehehe, yeah *FX9 to turn off the flashing colours in mode 2, don't
>> want a
>>> migraine...
>> Ahh. gotcha.. yes. Migrains were one of the things that drove me to PCs,
>> nice big LCD monitors, much less strain on the eyes.
> Not been doing the LCD thing, but I do prefer the biggest screen I can lay my
> hands on (not to mention turning the brightness down quite a bit and making
> sure I have windows open with off-white backgrounds rather than bright white)

Its worth getting your eyes tested. I find that the worst headaches I get
are when not wearing my glasses.
> I only tend to do technology when it becomes old-fangled, the bugs get ironed
> out, and the cost falls through the floor because the gadget buyers have moved
> on to the next big thing :-)  Not to mention that I hate the terrible build
> quality on most modern bits of technology!

I agree to a certain extent, netgear seem to be the worst offenders using
their customers as beta testers. I renamed then betagear.
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