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Date   : Thu, 09 Mar 2006 18:22:48 -0000
From   : "Mike" <profpep@...>
Subject: Re: Beebug C compiler

David Hunt wrote
> How can I convert this into a disc image (DSD) file ?
You don't.
Unzip it into a directory and read the  /0/T/manual  file - all the T
directory files are text.


 exec unpack

 The BBC Micro version of tcc is distributed over e-mail or BBSs
 as a collection of Unix 'shell' archives.  This is a convenient
 format for packaging up several files, and protecting them from
 e-mail systems that occasionally interpret parts of unprotected
 files as message headers.  This may cause the file to be
 corrupted, or it may fail to arrive.  The archive files should
 be downloaded onto a BBC Micro as indicated in the FILES section
 below.  An example kermit take file is provided, or the files
 can be downloaded individually.  The unpack utility assumes that
 you have a two-drive system.

 The 6502 binaries of the Small-C Language ROM and "shar" program
 must first be de-hexed and the "sh" file loaded into sideways
 RAM.  The unpack script uses the "shar" program to extract the
 other hexfiles from tcc1 and tcc2.  These are dehexed, and the
 remaining source files are extracted.  The resulting disk
 contains the complete tcc source distribution.  Make a copy of
 the disk before attempting to use the compiler, and delete some
 of the source files to make room for temporary files created by
 the compiler.

 It takes a  l o n g  time to extract the files.

 :0.getshar kermit take file to download shell archives
 :0.mkboot *exec file to dehex Small-C boot files
 :0.sh/x  6502 hex file of Small-C Language ROM/RAM image
 :0.dehex/x 6502 hex file of Intel hex decoder
 :0.shar/x 6502 hex file of shell archive program
 :1.unpack *exec file to unpack archives
 :1.tcc1  shell archive #1
 :1.tcc2  shell archive #2
 :3.tcc3  shell archive #3
 :3.tcc4  shell archive #4
 :2.READ/ME tcc documentation

you need to kermit it across to a BBC, and then make the files at the BBC
end. Works better on a master, and you'll need some sideways RAM.

Failing that, I'll burn you a set of ROMS and snail mail them.

Do you need the Kermit image? all you need to load that is standard sideways
ROM inf.
Last Kermit image was 1.45
Definitely on 'The BBC Lives'

Hope this helps


> > Dear David
> >
> > Hope this is what you need.
> >
> > My memory is that 'some assembley is required'. This is probably the
> > that JGH was linking to.
> > I have a disc I actually got from Mijas somewhere as well, but I think
> > they'd lost the tube code somewhere - they sent me a copy long after
> > they'd
> > stopped selling it! I'd need to find it and then image it. this one was
> > my disc already.
> >
> > If you want to try BCPL I've got both the floating point package and the
> > stand alone generator, though again I'll need to do some imaging and
> > scanning.
> >
> > ||\/||ike
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
> > To: <bbc-micro@...>
> > Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 2:49 PM
> > Subject: [BBC-Micro] Beebug C compiler
> >
> >
> > > I've found two Beebug C ROMS hiding away in a huge box of ROMS,
> > apparently
> > I
> > > need a Library disc, has anyone got a disc image they could e-mail me.
> > >
> > > I also tried to get my grubby mits on SmallC from
> > >
> > > <http://www.mdfs.net/System/C/6502/>
> > >
> > > But it's a dead link from from "The BBC Lives!" website.
> > >
> > > Can anyone help, please?
> > >
> > > Cheers
> > >
> > > Dave ;)
> > >
> > >
> > >
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