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Date   : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 10:51:28 +0000
From   : Fragula <fragula@...>
Subject: Re: NFS/FDFS: Problems, Documentation, disks, and other distracting

Howdy Phil!

Phil Blundell wrote:

> Yup, sounds good. 
> Probably worth doing, yeah. 
I'll get those done this week then. Errm.. Scan to .png? Anyone want to
OCR/PDF it or something? (basically cos I'm too dumbass and out of touch
with new-fangled things.) I'll probably re-write the FDFS specific stuff
from the letter, to clarify the use of button, disc removal etc. (its
only two "modes", simpler than it can seem.)

> I don't remember what the FDFS manual is
> like,
Well the manual is not an FDFS manual per se. Its a manual for users of
networks based on SJ Research technology. Doesn't mention the FDFS by
name as much as once.

> The MDFS one is quite comprehensive, including quite a lot of
> detailed programming and protocol information.
Strangely enough i'm about to settle down to read that and compare notes.

>>boots, but won't let me log in.
> That is a bit odd.  What error do you get?
None. it just don't work. :-(

i.e. If I Shift-N-Break, The model B just hangs trying to boot from the
network. Which is a familiar scenario actually. I'm fairly sure its the
NFS version.

> NFS 3.34 was certainly famed for its brokenness,
ISTR you telling me that when i had a similar problem years ago. And I
switched to a Master 128 for a while, while my B #1 was "In the wash".

> I always used ENFS 3.60,
I'll have a trawl around the usual websites today, (unless some kind bod
mails me one) see if I can find an image to burn this evening. Also
planning on re-installing the Integra board, which is fairly
hair-raising to do as the manual I got with it (as I recall from when I
first had it way back when.) has several potentially PAL-fritzing errors
in the "remove *this* jumper, connect *this* coloured wire *here*"

Hmm.. Trying to remember if I ever got the Model B working with the
NFS.. I know the Masters worked with it, but their keyboards drive me
round the twist.


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