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Date   : Tue, 28 Mar 2006 15:16:28 +0100
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: More eBay strangeness ...

> > >I'm not so sure. I've think the PSU is plugged into a single black
> > >extension socket with the lead just going into electron at the right.
> As
> > >Anal as it is I've run the image through some imaging software to
> enhance
> > >the dark areas and although not conclusive it does show something there
> > >that matches the shape and size of a single socket on a lead. Just that
> > >area of the picutre is so dark you can't see it. Could be wrong though.
> > >
> > >Steve.
> > >
> > Sorry, replying to self, obviously meant plugged into left not right, I
> > don't know left from right !
> I am more worried about what we can see reflected in the TV screen. It
> looks to me like he is not wearing any trousers while taking the photo!

Yep, he's standing there wearing underpants.

It is called "Reflectoporn" loads of eBay pics used to circulate at work.

The Mirror had an article on it

A US site has those and more

And my favourite...

A good excuse to fit a polarising filter if there needs to be one!

Dave ;)
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