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Date   : Wed, 29 Mar 2006 23:02:44 +0100 (BST)
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: Model B NMI PITA.

On Mar 29 2006, 20:52, Fragula wrote:
> Pete Turnbull wrote:
> I have noticed one thing though.. ICs 79 and 80 are 7438 on the map
> the back of the AUG, but my board appears to have 7437s, which are
>  pole outputs, not open collector.

Well, IC79 pins 6 and 11 are the drive selects, and they're also fed
back to IC83 and 84 (pin 6 in each case) which are CD4013s used to
drive the READY inputs on the 8271.  A totem-pole output would have the
wrong thresholds to do that reliably "by the book", but it probably
doesn't matter much in practice.

> > It's possible you have an early PCB that needs some fix to use the
> > interface properly, though offhand I can't remember what the fix
> > be (something to do with that 7438 at IC27, and S9).
> Well the problematic ones, One really, the one I've owned for 20 odd
> years, is an Issue 7, but its been home upgraded (everything +
> sink) and has been problematic ever since fitting the Econet upgrade.
> The econet has never worked right, though the disk system is working
> the mo (or was till i ripped it all off earlier this evening).

IIRC even an Issue 7 has some minor mods for Econet reliability.  Did
you do them?  I can assure you that if you solder all the right things
in the right places, an Econet upgrade on anything later than Issue 1
will work fine, with or without disk interface as well.  I've done
literally hundreds, and what's more, I used to fix the ones the local
ITeC bodged ("Ten K resistors are yellow-black-brown, right?"  "Is
there really a difference between yellow and orange stripes?"  "Do I
have to solder both ends?"  "But nearly *all* the pins were in the
I made a lot of money out of the dealer who thought it would be cheaper
to use the ITeC than competent staff, and then sent us the "repairs"
they couldn't fix.

Pete                                           Peter Turnbull
                                               Network Manager
                                               University of York
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