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Date   : Sun, 09 Apr 2006 19:13:33 +0100
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 8 bitter list (Was: Re: Keyboard)

Fragula wrote:
> Jules Richardson wrote:
>> Stupid idea probably, but is it worth broadening the list scope to
>> include all 8 bit Acorns and related peripherals? (Systems, Atoms,
>> Electrons, 32016/ARM copros etc.)
> Hmm.  Given that we know exactly what that entails, from the dongle that
> CPU made for ACE Coin Equipment, to the 80186 copro (probably the last
> purely 8-bit related bit of Acorn kit?) That's probably about what I'd
> guess "On Topic" to mean.

Yep... those of us on the list seem to know what subjects are ok to post about 
and what aren't - I suppose my worry is that there are fans of pre-BBC 
hardware out there not subscribed to the list who'll see "BBC micro mailing 
list" and so not bother joining. It'd be a shame to lose them (particularly as 
there's a lot of shared circuitry and code across the whole range!)

Having something like the "Acorn 8 bit list" makes it completely obvious to 
outsiders that the list is open to all the early Acorn machines...

> The Acron System (n) series and Atom were direct ancestors to the BBC,

But then via the ARM1 and BBC BASIC, the 32 bit machines are direct 
descendants of the BBC ;-)


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