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Date   : Mon, 10 Apr 2006 12:34:28 +0100 (BST)
From   : Thomas Adam <thomas_adam16@...>
Subject: Re: Basic & BBC Basic

--- Jon Ripley <jon@...> wrote:
> Yes it most definitely would be adequate.  BBC BASIC has come a long way 
> since BASIC I on the BBC Model A and has long been used by users of all 
> ages and abilities, there are hundreds of professional programmers who 
> write their programs in BBC BASIC and countless commercial applications 
> developed in the language.

Indeed.  I remember fondly being taught how to use the BBC (a Model A
machine, IIRC) at primary school, using WordWise.  It rocked.  And then of
course there was LOGO.  :)   I was never taught programming per se, but it is
in essence unavoidable --- since BBC Basic is part of the machine itself.
> BBC BASIC for Windows:
> http://rtrussell.co.uk/products/bbcwin/

A pity there is not an equivalent for Linux.

-- Thomas.

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