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Date   : Tue, 18 Apr 2006 13:50:39 +0100
From   : "David Harper" <dl.harper@...>
Subject: Re: CPFS and MOVE

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:

>> That has to be an MOS problem. *OPT is interpreted by the MOS, and only
>> there can it give "Bad Command". The MOS should pass the *OPT values to 
>> the
>> filing system using the FSC Vector (&21E), the the filing system may give 
>> a
>> "Bad option" error to out-of-range values.
> The filing system has to be selected. Try *-CPFS-OPT 7,11

I don't think this will work if there is a problem like the one being 
described. Using a temporary filing system (-CPFS- in the command) causes 
the MOS to select it using the SW service call with the FS ID value, and 
that is where the problem lies.

Do it in two stages:
    *OPT 7,11

That should be more likely to work

David Harper 
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