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Date   : Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:47:41 +0100
From   : Andrew Benham <adsb@...>
Subject: Re: MOS 3.50 and 6502 cheese wedge

Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
> I wonder if anybody has experienced any problems using an
> external 6502 cheese wedge with Master MOS 3.50?
> It doesn't seem to like copying the language across the Tube and I
> am getting either BASIC and then the flashing cursor waiting forever
> or a solid block character after the BASIC line (like CHR$255) and
> then the command prompt.
> I am sure I have used this setup before without any problems so I
> thought maybe the cheese wedge was on the blink as I hadn't used
> it for about 2 years but it works fine with another Master 128 with
> standard MOS 3.20.

Just dug out my external 6502 cheese wedge, plugged it into the
Master running MOS 3.50, and it works just fine.

Andrew Benham         adsb@...       
Southgate, London N14, United Kingdom

The gates in my computer are AND OR and NOT, not "Bill"
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