Date : Wed, 12 Jul 2006 07:03:36 +0100
From : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: Viglen Winnie / Miniscribe 3438
At 00:24 12/07/2006, Jules Richardson wrote:
>Ian Wolstenholme wrote:
>>The problem probably is that the drive motor has got stuck. On this
>>drive the motor is outside the drive so you can rotate it yourself.
>Do make sure you rotate it the right way! And if it's a stiction
>problem then only a fraction of a turn should be needed, nothing
>like a full revolution.
Ian/Jules, thanks for that tip. It worked an absolute treat - moving
the stepper motor a couple of mm round then powering it up was enough
to kick it into action again without any problems. Hurrah!
Joel Rowbottom, was-kid, geek, coder, bad penny, 'Net addict since 1991
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