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Date   : Tue, 15 Aug 2006 00:14:08 +0100
From   : "David Hunt" <dm.hunt@...>
Subject: Re: BBC emu on the GPX2 handheld?

> I'm put off of the PSP with the constant battle to hack the 
> firmware to allow homebrew. It gets hacked, Sony release new 
> firmware, wait weeks for hackers to hack it again, repeat ad 
> infinitum.

That's only if you fall into the category of "I must have the latest
features, or my life isn't worth living" mentality, e.g. Apple iPod
customers. ;)

You don't need the latest BIOS to play homebrew or games from the memory
stick. The PSP MAME emulator seems to work reasonably, the MegaDrive and
SNES emus also work ok. 

I've played with the GP2X and I've got a PSP, the screen on the PSP
better and it has a much nicer feel. 

I didn't like watching movies on the GP2X, but it's a lot better than an
iPod Video. Where is the web browser and wireless connectivity, I
remember it was mentioned early on.

I watch movies on a Dell Axim 50v with a 8GB CF card (good for around 20
full length movies with 192kHz AAC), that has a 640x480 screen and I get
around 8 hours of playback and it has a half decent headphone circuit. I
haven't tried a Windows Mobile version of a Beeb Emulator - it was a
work in
progress last time I looked.

The Beeb emulator on the PSP is a nightmare to use, no virtual keyboard,
rather odd key combinations for the Beeb keys. I lost interest in that

If the GP2X was £99 I'd buy one, the TV out is reminiscent of my Sega
quite handy for 2-player games.

Dave ;)
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