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Date   : Thu, 17 Aug 2006 15:35:39 +0100
From   : Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>
Subject: Re: CAVE

At 15:11 17/08/2006, you wrote:

>Does anybody know anything about this Econet game,
>the only information I have is that it is a multi-user text-based
>adventure game running over Econet.  Is there a copy anywhere?

ICBW, but I think this originated at QEGS in Wakefield. Certainly it 
was hacked around a lot there by a guy called Brian Butterworth (no 
relation to Brandon in case any of you know him).

There was certainly a later version called "Arena", an even later one 
called "Arena II" which may not have made it into the wild but which 
I may have on a floppy somewhere. Both relied heavily on open files 
and "ON ERROR" statements to trap the open files messages. There were 
a lot of GOTO statements too - a veritably horrible rat's nest.

Joel Rowbottom, was-kid, geek, coder, bad penny, 'Net addict since 1991
Personal: http://www.joel.co.uk | Pics: http://photos.jml.net
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