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Date   : Thu, 17 Aug 2006 18:09:13
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: CAVE

This reminded me..

Some 200 years ago, after getting fascinated by 
playing MUD at Essex Uni, I started to write a 
multi-user game - it ran on Econet, using a 
custom client ROM in the stations and a B & 6502 
2P as the game host.  I can't quite remmember how 
far I got - certainly far enough to have three 
dial-up users plus me wandering round a small world and talking.

(aside: think of a looks given that spotty 
teenager going into a BT shop to pay a £500+ 
phone bill because of all the phone installation 
charges..couldn't afford that today!)

I did find the source and object for the client 
ROM the other day - it includes a built in 
chat-between-stations,no-server-needed option. 
I've got the rest on floppies, I am sure, just 
not got round to checking those.  I'll have to 
dig them out and fire it all up again I 
think.  Now how am I going to fit ANOTHER Beeb on my desk??

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